Social sustainability is one of the UN´s goals according to Agenda 2030. Of the 17 goals, many are linked to various aspects of social sustainability…
This is our 4th concept – SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY – in our series of a total of 10 concepts that we highlight during our 10th anniversary.
SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY – What does it mean for HealSafe Interiör?
Social sustainability is one of the UN’s goals according to Agenda 2030. Of the 17 goals, many are linked to various aspects of social sustainability. Health & Well-being, Gender Equality and Equality are several of the goals that are important for HealSafe Interior. Ultimately, it is about human rights in an inclusive society where everyone has equal rights regardless of gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, age, functional variation or mental illness.
A society that provides high quality care to all citizens, not least to people in vulnerable situations, is actively working towards social sustainability, where all people are offered an opportunity for a high degree of life satisfaction. HealSafe Interior strives to create a warm, inviting, safe and secure environment, and we do it to increase well-being and safety so that both patients / clients and staff can achieve their goals, regardless of who you are — that is one part of social sustainability for us.
Below are some examples of social sustainability in the healthcare context where Healsafe Interiör are active:
An example of social inequality is that people with mental illness have impaired oral health compared with the general population. Many patients have had problems with oral health since childhood when the opportunities to take care of their teeth was non-existing. Other factors, such as dry mouth as a side effect of medication, drug abuse and difficulty with daily routines complicate oral health for many who are cared for in psychiatry or prison. Sometimes, due to safety requirements, it can be difficult to find a good quality toothbrush that is safe, i.e., where the caregiving facility can feel confident that a toothbrush will not be a tool for harm. Therefore, it is important that a safe product always has the quality needed to maintain good hygiene, this is one example where design plays a major role for functionality, ergonomics and aesthetics.
People with lower socio-economic status suffer to a greater degree from mental illness than the normal population, not least among young people. This inequality also occurs at an early age depending on the socio-economic status of the family. People with a foreign background are also overrepresented. This means that these groups are overrepresented in mental health. Therefore, a good care environment is important from a social sustainability perspective. If a better care environment can help a person to, for example, experience less stress and thus receive better conditions for recovery, it is of great importance from an equality perspective. This is where the design of a patient room can contribute to a higher quality of sleep, an increased sense of autonomy and a better working environment for the staff.
Diversity in terms of competence and background of the staff is also important to be able to offer equal care and treatment of high quality. The conditions for social sustainability increase when there is equality and gender equality in the organizations that work to prevent suicide and self-harm.
In addition to the public and private care offered today, there are many non-profit organizations that work for suicide prevention and self-harm. All so that vulnerable individuals can have a high level of life satisfaction and well-being. HealSafe Interiör currently support the organizations SPIV and Livskämpar.
HealSafe Interiör is a company where the concept of social sustainability is present on an everyday basis in our ambition to design environments that prevent suicide and self-harm. We want to work for social sustainability – where we care about people’s equal rights and work for an equal and inclusive society.
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